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Presented at CodeMash 2023
Unfortunately a lot of devs dislike pairing, and often times its due to a bad initial experience. This presentation was built to explain what healthy pairing looks like and to build attitude and discipline to pair well, even with an unskilled partner.
Given to a company onboarding boot-camp
This talk focuses on the messy, organic nature of growing good software. It's a collection of attitudes and 'tastes' that permeate evolving a complex system from a simple mvp
Presented to over 40 people in order to encourage language adoption
When I was looking to use Kotlin as the tech stack for my new team, I wanted to win my devs over to the benefits of Kotlin. I ended up getting to present to a much larger audience. I'd like to think the several teams outside of mine now using Kotlin were at least partially swayed by this presentation
Presented at multiple companies as a lunch and learn
This presentation was simply an effort to share my main hobby project, as well as both architectural and technical lessons I've learned while working on it
Given at multiple companies in lunch and learn formats
I wanted to use Quest Command to illustrate ways to speed up testing loops, as well as add nuance to common testing patterns that less mature developers can get trapped inside
Part of a test series I gave on increasing test maturity
Created in an effort to deep dive on executing the 'ice cream cone' of testing well. Focuses on how to move tests out of slow spaces while testing behaviors
Given to offshore and then to onshore devs
Intended as an introduction to TDD, this was built to instill a sense of passion for TDD by giving the 'why' as much as the 'how'.
Part of a test series I gave on increasing test maturity
I wanted to spend some time looking beyond patterns and focus on well meaning traps developers fall into and common smells that a test should be cleaned up
Given to a software craftsmanship guild
I've found that devs will often identify as good at TDD but that they haven't found TDD useful. On examination however, they're not doing or understanding TDD at all. This quick presentation was given to help make TDD guidelines explicit, so they could be practiced in a group session
Presented as one of my first lunch and learns at a previous company
I wanted to talk both about palette cycling technology, as well as about using Kotlin and android. Some of this content evolved into the 'Why Kotlin' talk
Explain building DSLs in Kotlin
This presentation is geared towards developers familiar with Kotlin and interested in learning more advanced techniques. Formatted as a live coding session, this talk builds a domain specific language, walking through each step / language feature to build up to the DSL
Written to help a team write better stories
Only skimmed to another tech lead, this presentation is intended to help developers understand how to turn writing 'tickets' into writing 'stories'
Given at a lunch and learn
A basic intro to one of my favorite tools to install on any new computer